
I don't feel like writing much right now. There's too much going on and I just...can't. But, here's a re-post of a blog entry I wrote a long while ago that is apropos in more than one way. Since I write horror, I often feel the need to defend it. It’s the creepy, inbred cousin … Continue reading Re-Run

Clothes Make the Monster

I take my Halloween costumes very seriously. It takes a lot of prep-time to make sure that everything is perfect. It's important that you never break character once in costume. If you do, the illusion is broken and Halloween loses all of its magic. For instance, this year I'm going as a private eye. So, … Continue reading Clothes Make the Monster

Quitting Quitting is for Quitters

There are times when it's difficult for me to stay away from cigarettes. Any stress, like from closing down a chain of bookstores, can trigger the desire to smoke. It's like having an itch I can't scratch, right between my shoulder blades, that just won't go away. It's an ever present tickle and though I … Continue reading Quitting Quitting is for Quitters

In the Spirit

So far I haven't really been feeling Halloween so much. I've watched an obscene number of horror movies. I've consumed a large amount of pumpkin flavored beer. I've contemplated costumes. I've read articles online reviewing Halloween goodies. I've listened to Halloween music. Emily even got me a mess of rubbery stretchy spiders. And nothing. Partly, … Continue reading In the Spirit

Human Centipede: Why?

I'm going to talk about horror movies (again), but this will be the last time for a day or two (promise {maybe}). This Friday, The Human Centipede 2 will be on limited release. So, if you're very, very lucky, it'll be playing somewhere in your city. For years, if a critic wanted to point out … Continue reading Human Centipede: Why?