Boston Revisited

A friend of mine is visiting for a few days and it's reintroducing me to the city I live in. It's too easy to forget those places you see everyday or those places you used to go to; but once you show a newcomer those things that caused you to fall in love with your … Continue reading Boston Revisited

Lock Down

Last night, around 1am, I heard a sound. It sounded like a loud bang and, given recent events, I paid attention to it. But then it was quiet and I started to fall back asleep. And then the second explosion. And then I noticed the sirens and more sirens and what sounded like gunfire. While … Continue reading Lock Down

The Rejuvenation

Lately, I haven't been feeling that excited about baseball lately. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Dylan, you're just depressed after that 18-3 loss to the Rangers. And then the subsequent loss after that. And the loss that preceded that one." To which I say, "Yeah." But that's not the entire reason. I can't really … Continue reading The Rejuvenation

The Vernacular of Sports

In advance, I would like to apologize for the amount of profanity that you're about to encounter. It was unavoidable. When watching baseball, especially when watching a Red Sox game, it becomes clear that a certain language is adopted that one might otherwise not use in a social situation. Certain words become commonplace and are … Continue reading The Vernacular of Sports

A Sporting Attempt

Living in Boston means living with sports. In Durham, sports talk was mainly limited to people yelling about college basketball, because that was the biggest game in town. Sure, we had the Durham Bulls, but they don't inspire the same level of fanaticism as, say, the Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics or Bruins. There are four … Continue reading A Sporting Attempt

Shakespeare on Common

Emily and I went to see Shakespeare on the Commons last week. Every year, folks can see the Commonwealth Shakespeare Company perform on the Commons free of charge. This year, they performed one of Shakespeare's comedies, "All's Well That Ends Well". I didn't know the first thing about it before we went, but, after a quick … Continue reading Shakespeare on Common

Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Neither Emily nor I have been to Boston's Museum of Fine Arts and since we had the day off together, we decided to check it out. This sounds like a simple thing on the surface: Emily and Dylan head off to the museum together and enjoy fine arts. In reality, we spent an embarrassing amount of time … Continue reading Boston Museum of Fine Arts

Looking for Pickman

I was reading Pickman's Model, one of my favorite Lovecraft stories, and I realized I recognized most of the places he was talking about in the story. There was the studio on Newbury Street and South Station and there was the North End. In fact, Lovecraft placed Pickman's studio of horrors right smack dab in … Continue reading Looking for Pickman