The Game

It was exciting and agonizing and really cold and I hate Buchholz and Punto, though Punto made it better at the end and it was tiring and aggravating and thrilling and and and and... I want to go again. A longer write-up...whenever. I'm too tired now to do it right. This'll do for now. -D-

Game’s Eve

For the first time, tomorrow, I'm going to a Red Sox game. I'm excited. Really excited. I fell like this is what I've been preparing for all this time. This experience. I've read about the history of baseball. I've watched documentaries and news clips and autobiographies and biographies and articles. I've watched it live and … Continue reading Game’s Eve

The Rejuvenation

Lately, I haven't been feeling that excited about baseball lately. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Dylan, you're just depressed after that 18-3 loss to the Rangers. And then the subsequent loss after that. And the loss that preceded that one." To which I say, "Yeah." But that's not the entire reason. I can't really … Continue reading The Rejuvenation

The Vernacular of Sports

In advance, I would like to apologize for the amount of profanity that you're about to encounter. It was unavoidable. When watching baseball, especially when watching a Red Sox game, it becomes clear that a certain language is adopted that one might otherwise not use in a social situation. Certain words become commonplace and are … Continue reading The Vernacular of Sports

The First Pitch

Baseball season starts in two days and I'm pretty excited. I've watched some Spring Training games. I've watched a few games from last year. I've watched (basically) a highlight reel from the 2004 World Series. I've read baseball books, baseball articles, baseball magazines. I've watched press clippings from Valentine and interviews with the players. I've … Continue reading The First Pitch

Flashback to Go Forward

For the first time ever, I'm watching a Red Sox game. Granted, it's a Red Sox game from April 1st, 2011, but it's still an actual, for really real, major league baseball game. After months of reading and watching clips of past games, this is extremely refreshing. I'm finally able to put my (still somewhat … Continue reading Flashback to Go Forward

Last Season

At times, I feel like I've crashed a funeral. Every article I read about this upcoming season, there are the same words whispered over and over again in somber tones. "The collapse" "Last September" "2011" It's a spooky repetition. There's a shadow over the start of this season and for someone who's just now entering the … Continue reading Last Season