
Hello, One of the things I noticed while I was researching Moonraker's standings with Bond fans is that there a million best of lists for James Bond movies and they're all garbage. All of them. There is no consistency where what movies lay where on the rankings. Oh sure, you'll see From Russia With Love, Casino Royale and The … Continue reading Ranked

The Science-fication of Horror

In the days of olde, let's say the 1940's and back, horror movie monsters were the stuff of legends and myth. They were the vampires and werewolves of Eastern Europe. They were the mummies of Ancient Egypt. They were the primitive beasts from the Pleistocene Era. They were the ghosts and ghouls from Victorian castles. … Continue reading The Science-fication of Horror

James Bond: Chapter One; The First Chapter

“Today we are fighting Communism. Okay. If I'd been alive fifty years ago, the brand of Conservatism we have today would have been damn near called Communism and we should have been told to go and fight that. History is moving pretty quickly these days and the heroes and villains keep on changing parts.” ― … Continue reading James Bond: Chapter One; The First Chapter

Halloween Horror Movies

We all have our ways of celebrating Halloween. If you're still in elementary school, you put on a costume and beg strangers for candy. If you're in college, you use Halloween as an excuse to get blitzed. If you're my age, you sit at home and quietly contemplate opening an Ameritrade account before deciding that … Continue reading Halloween Horror Movies

Saturday Night Movie Review: Nazis at the Center of the Earth

As I mentioned last week, I'm going to start reviewing movies that I believe are perfect to watch while drinking beer and hanging out with friends. Or, if you're me, drinking a warm bloody mary while you're by yourself. They're the movies that are so bad they're funny, over-the-top violence and acting so wooden you … Continue reading Saturday Night Movie Review: Nazis at the Center of the Earth

Movie Review: Dark Knight Rises

If you didn't see my earlier entry, let me recap here: I really love the Batman movies. The ones by Christopher Nolan. I've been watching them repeatedly since Batman Begins came out seven years ago. I've obsessed over them and in no gentle way. Partly this has to do with the fact that I grew … Continue reading Movie Review: Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises: Prepping

Ever since Batman Begins, I've been a little crazy for Batman. I read all the news. Got excited about the casting. Debated the merits of Katie Holmes and how she was going to ruin it. When The Dark Knight was announced, I nearly exploded from joy. The Joker! Maggie Gyllenhaal! Two-Face! More Batman! I became … Continue reading The Dark Knight Rises: Prepping

Movie Review: Antichrist (Part 2)

I finished watching Antichrist and, as promised, here's the second and last part of my review. After I finished watching it, I needed a hug. It's an emotionally draining movie; filled with disturbing images and grotesque elements. It depicted vile things and at the end, I wasn't entirely sure what I had seen. I don't … Continue reading Movie Review: Antichrist (Part 2)