Beer Review: St. Victorious Doppelbock

After last week's success with the Troegenator Doublebock, I decided to try a different one, this one the St. Victorious by Victory. This one...not such a big fan. It's a good beer: very sturdy tasting, kind of bitter, but not overwhelmingly so. It's not leadheavy and while it tastes a little bit belgiany, it's not … Continue reading Beer Review: St. Victorious Doppelbock

Beer Review: Troegenator DoubleBock

I'm noticing a distinct trend here: almost all the beers I've chosen to review have been really dark. Generally speaking, that's because I prefer darker beers. I still don't know how to describe the flavor in Belgian beer (hoppy? yeasty? bad?), but I know I can safely avoid it if I get a beer too … Continue reading Beer Review: Troegenator DoubleBock