The First Pitch

Baseball season starts in two days and I'm pretty excited. I've watched some Spring Training games. I've watched a few games from last year. I've watched (basically) a highlight reel from the 2004 World Series. I've read baseball books, baseball articles, baseball magazines. I've watched press clippings from Valentine and interviews with the players. I've … Continue reading The First Pitch

App Review: Angry Birds Space

I used to play a lot of Angry Birds, just like every other human being on the planet. After a while, though, it got tiring. There's only so many times you can hurl a bird into a pig and remain satisfied. They tried to mix things up with themed levels (birthday parties and Halloween, frinstance) … Continue reading App Review: Angry Birds Space

Flashback to Go Forward

For the first time ever, I'm watching a Red Sox game. Granted, it's a Red Sox game from April 1st, 2011, but it's still an actual, for really real, major league baseball game. After months of reading and watching clips of past games, this is extremely refreshing. I'm finally able to put my (still somewhat … Continue reading Flashback to Go Forward