A Restful Walk

I took a walk through the Mount Auburn Cemetery today. That's not as weird as it sounds. It's a landscaped cemetery; as much a park or a garden as it is a place for the dead. In general, I've noticed a kind of casual acceptance of cemeteries in and around Boston. Within the city itself, … Continue reading A Restful Walk

Historical Subjectivity

I think I mentioned a while ago that I signed up for a few courses on Coursera, an site that has a multitude of classes available cheap as free. My first class, which started about two weeks ago, is History of Rock (Part One) taught by the University of Rochester's Professor John Covach. So far, … Continue reading Historical Subjectivity

Culture Defined by Pop

Alan Lomax was a folklorist who spent the majority of his life preserving small, local folklore traditions. He believed that globalization was encroaching on the traditions of countless subcultures and slowly but surely pushing them toward extinction. He was also, potentially, a manipulative, manifest destiny toting jack-ass, but that's not important here. The main crux … Continue reading Culture Defined by Pop

The Magic in the World

Instead of writing my movie review, I've been sitting here watching episode after episode of Fool Us, a British show where various British magicians try and fool Penn and Teller with their magic tricks. It's just forty-five minutes of magicians trying their hardest and I can't stop watching it. I have a fascination with magic … Continue reading The Magic in the World