Write It Out


I’m not a plotter.

I don’t like planning out my stories at all. It robs me of the thrill of discovery. I sometimes start a story having no idea where it’s going to go, but that’s what makes writing exciting to me. I can go on the same journey as someone reading the story as I go.

But starting a story with no particular place to go might explain why I have so much trouble finishing my stories.

But I’m tackling a story that demands I know the ending before I start, so I’m trying to write it before I write it.

So far, my notes read like a madman’s paranoid manifesto, but I think I’m getting somewhere. And I think there’s room to discover in between the plotting, the hidden secrets between bullet points.

I can keep the mystery hidden from myself this way, at least for a little longer.


One thought on “Write It Out

  1. When you called yesterday, I was home. I just decided not to answer. If you want to call me again, go for it. I’ll be home. But I won’t pick up.

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